

The incoming waste water from the last manhole at site is collected in the pretreatment chamber. First dirt solids settle at the bottom and clearer water is on top. The clearer water overflows into the next chamber known as buffer. The compressed air sensor controls the operation of the air lift pipe which pumps the waste water from the buffer into the reactor (biological cleaning chamber according to requirements depending on the waste water quantity.

The waste water is biologically cleaned through oxygen supply and circulation. The automatic control optimizesaeration through the diffuser disks at the bottom of the reactor chamber. This ensures the bacteria get enough oxygen they require to feed on the organic waste matter the by-product being clean water and Co2.

The heavier bio mass sinks to the bottom during the settling out phase and a “clear water zone” with the cleared waste water forms in the upper region.

Clear water discharge
The reliable air-lift pump takes the cleared water “into the clean water storage chamber or directly into a body of water or for leaching/ soak away.

Automatic excess sludge removal
The biomass generated that settles at the bottom of the reactor chamber, when in excess is automatically returned into the pretreatment chamber, where the cleaning process starts again.

The systems are made in Germany and imported to Kenya for assembly and installation by Ecocycle ltd.

Through optimal aeration achieved by blowing in air from the environment by the blower, this ensures no bad smells around the system. The obnoxious gases that lead to bad smells through alternate sequences of aerating and not aerating are converted to more stable elements that do not smell. The manhole covers are also air tight. A vent pipe is also installed from the tank to release carbon dioxide produced into the atmosphere. The blower the only moving part is designed to produce very low decibels of sound, thus almost a humming sound.

Yes the system requires electricity to operate as the heart of the system is the blower with a motor. The smallest system for 4 to 10 people requires single phase power supply, as the motor is rated at 120 watts. For larger systems the motor rating, 3 phase ranges between 0.75kW to 7.8 kW.

The system can be solar driven, one just needs to ensure the solar panel rating and power supply capacity matches the required motor rating in kW of the air compressor. One may also consider to have a hybrid back up system consisting of solar panel, inverter, and standby genset.

The system can maintain normal operation, despite power outages or failures of up to 72 hours/ 3 days. Beyond that it has to be restarted and one may need to call an exhauster to evacuate the excess sewage from the pretreatment chamber to avoid flooding and spillage. In the case that sewage reached the storage chamber, it is necessary engage the services of a tank cleaning expert to clean this chamber after evacuation has been done, as well as disinfect with e.g. chlorine after cleaning. This prevents contamination of the new treated water when the system restarts.

The treated water is not potable and can only be used for secondary purposes e.g.;- lawn & garden irrigation, flushing toilets, dust suppression, firefighting, car cleaning or cleaning open spaces like car parks.

Yes an underground chambered tank as per our design is constructed, into which we fit in the air lift pipe assemblies and diffusers. We prefer a reinforced concrete or masonry tank as it is easier to achieve the required partitions that way. Poor quality plastic tanks are also susceptible to damage in areas with black cotton soil, and high levels of water saturation.

Space required depends with the size of the system needed and can be adjusted according to the space available at site. The smallest system for between 4- 10 people requires a space of 5.6m (Length) x 1.9m (Width) by 1.7m (Depth from the Invert Level). For systems catering for 100 people and above, the depth required is 3m from the invert level.

Our system requires no separation of the waste. It collects all the waste from the house including kitchens, bathrooms and the toilets i.e both black and grey. This mix ensures an optimal bacteria population which is needed for the treatment process.

As per the manufacturers recommendation after 5 years. From experience with the running installations in Kenya, it can be between 3-5 years depending on the discipline of the population at premises. If they dump non- degradable materials into the toilet drainse.gploythene that means the pretreatment will fill up faster and will need to be exhausted sooner

Yes, the system is listed and acknowledged by NEMA.

Our system produces high quality water exceeding NEMA standards and requirements for re-use and discharge into the environment. NEMA is the mandated body in Kenya to approve the quality.

After Down Payment, ordering, production and assembly of the equipment commences. The period it takes to accomplish this together with the shipping and delivery timelines for small equipment to be delivered to site would translate to 10-12 weeks and 16-18 weeks for larger equipment. The waiting period is enough to be constructing the required chambered tank, so upon arrival installation is executed immediately.

We give our customers a one year warranty whereby we do the maintenance and servicing for free after which they are always encouraged to subscribe to a maintenance contract

The smallest system we have is known as Klaermax 10PE which can treat waste water for up to a maximum of ten people.

The system can be modular, hencepossibility to install in phases as the population increases however the client must tell us the estimated final population to assist in the design of the required overall tank.

Our system requires no pumps and instead uses air lift principle to transfer the water from one chamber to the other.

Whether it is an ordinary pump or an airlift pump, both are there to keep the waste water moving in the SBR tank. Sewage is a very “aggressive” medium (both corrosive and abrasive) in that these components operate where they are exposed to chemical reactions which cause both abrasion and corrosion. The electric submersible pumps very often used in SBR plants have three serious drawbacks: they show far more wear and tear on account of these chemical influences, they require intensive maintenance, since they can become entwined and through contact with the gases in the container they require reliable explosion protection. Klaermax Air XL uses Mammut principle that work without an electronic drive unit in the tank, operating virtually clog-free because they contain no moving parts and on account of the highquality plastics guarantee a long service life in sewage treatment.

We have several operational sites of different sizes. Interested clients can always view any of our operational plants and we would have to make plans of when and which kind of a system they would like to see.

Our system can be sited anywhere in the compound since we don’t render spaces unusable, and no bad smells are produced.

For us to decide on what design to offer our client we need to know the occupancy of the house or development that is the estimated number of people who will occupy the said development.

Ecocycle Klaermax recycling systems are advanced technology that treats and turns sewage (both black and Grey water) into water which can be used for secondary purposes.

Biodigester is a structure in which anaerobic(deprived of oxygen) decomposition of organic waste matter by bacteria takes place with the production of a burnable biogas and a nutrient-rich slurry. Here for treatment to take place, black water and gray water are separated.

Treated water is safe for gardening as it contains the presence of nitrites and sulphites which are beneficial to the plants. It is also much safer when watered on the ground than when watered directly on the leaves of the plants. However, it is nice to note that the treated water must be
sterilized using eg Chlorine, UV or Ozonation before reuse and should be tested to meet the required standards for the safety of the end users.

An overflow can be provided on need basis, not all sites require one. In addition, the Topography of some sites may not allow overflow via gravity from the premises to the public drainage e.g. if the site ground level is lower than the surrounding area. In such cases a pump has to be used to evacuate the treated water from the storage chamber. Ecocycle encourages frequent use and emptying of the recycled water from the storage chamber. This in turn creates room for the incoming water to avoid flooding and mix up of raw sewage and treated water.

Yes. Septic can be incorporated into the Ecocycle system by either using it as the treated water storage or the pre-treatment chamber depending on the available space location at site and the site topography. Also, when the septic tank dimensions almost match the ecocycle WWTP tank dimensions to meet the required volumes as Ecocycle design standard, the chambers are then modified into our four underground chambers.
Biodigesters do not accommodate these kinds of modifications and therefore client is required to build a new tank.

It takes 0-6 months for small systems to mature and release treated water that meet the required standards and 6-10 months for larger systems. However, this period maybe impacted by hitches such as power fluctuations that cause interruption to the aeration process.

Three Times. This is because a full treatment cycle takes 8 hours therefore for every 8hours, a clean batch of treated water is released into the storage chamber.

Installations for small systems e.g. one that caters for a max of 10 people takes 1-3 Days where as for big systems e.g. One that caters for a max of 100 people takes 3-5 Days.

Ecocycle team replaces it with a stand by blower while the spoilt one is taken in for repairs. Once repairs are done, it is then re-installed back at site.
In the case that there’s no stand by blower. The blower at site is taken for repairs and during this time the client may be required to exhaust when the tank is overwhelmed. Usually blower repairs take about 3- 5 days max.

Yes. During system handover, a training is done on the basics of troubling shooting. Client will then be able to monitor and tell when system functions well and when it malfunctions.

Please Click on the Request button on this website and fill & submit the enquiry form. A quotation will be shared after an engagement with one of our team members.

This entails checking and repairing all moving parts of the air compressors if need be. Depletable components like the carbon blades also need to be replaced from time to time. By chance, the system experiences some surges that destroy electrical protection or system is vandalized, these parts also need to be replaced to ensure the system is well protected.

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